Explore “Paddle tennis vs pickleball” to enlighten yourself, so don’t get confused in the future between these two games.
You must be into some fun activity games if you are sporty. If yes, then you should consider playing paddle tennis and pickleball. These are not very old games, so few people know everything about them. So, if you also have some questions regarding these games, this article is for you.
Paddle Tennis Vs Pickleball
Paddle tennis and pickleball are not like any traditional sports. They somewhat look similar, which confuses many people which is which. In this article, we will mainly focus on paddle tennis vs pickleball. Read the guide below if you want to know everything about these games, like their similarities and differences.
What Is Paddle Tennis?
Let’s start with paddle tennis. After hearing its name, you might instantly think it is similar to tennis. Well, it is somewhat true and played similarly. From players to scoring, paddle tennis, and tennis have much in common.
It is an outdoor game but can also be played indoors. To play paddle tennis, you need to have a special racket. Although it is very similar to tennis, a tennis racket can not be used to play paddle tennis.
What is Pickleball?
I will briefly explain the basics of pickleball. Like paddle tennis, pickleball has been gaining popularity for the past few years. It is loved equally by kids and elders. Like tennis, it is played with a racket and a ball, but they are nothing like a tennis ball and racket. The game setting is similar to tennis and can be played between teams or single players.
Difference Between Pickleball And Paddle Tennis
If pickleball and paddle tennis are very new to you, you may confuse these two because of how similar they look when you play these games. Many people even find it similar to tennis. No matter how similar they look, pickleball and paddle tennis are quite different from each other and have some uniqueness. Let’s find out together how they differ from each other.
1. Paddle Tennis Vs Pickleball Court Size
One big difference between these two sports is the court size. So let’s dig in more to know how much difference is in the dimensions of the court where you play paddle tennis and pickleball. So, let’s start with the paddle tennis court dimensions.
Lengthwise, it is 50 feet long with a width of 20 feet. These are the standard dimensions of a paddleball court. The pickleball court is 60 feet in length and 30 feet in width. In short, a pickleball court has a larger area than a paddle tennis court.
2. Paddle Tennis Racket Vs Pickleball Racket
Next on the list are paddle tennis and pickleball rackets. No matter how similar these two games look, you can easily guess the game if you pay attention to the rackets. Players are allowed to play with specific rackets only. The pickleball rackets are smaller than paddle tennis rackets.
Taking it forward, I would like to mention the lengths and sizes of the rackets to make the differentiation easier for you. So, a pickleball racket will be 17 inches tall at max. The paddle tennis racket has a standard size of 17.5 inches, and you will never find a paddle tennis racket shorter or taller than this height.
3. Paddle Tennis Ball Vs Pickleball
The balls of these two games are not alike. Both games are played with particular balls specially designed for the game. Pickleball is played with smaller plastic balls with holes, whereas paddle tennis players use rubber paddle ball balls. Remember that the rubber ball of paddle tennis is smaller and has less pressure than a standard tennis ball.
4. Court Layout of Pickleball And Paddle Ball Tennis
As I have discussed earlier, the court of both games has a little difference in dimensions. The court of a pickleball is shorter than a paddle tennis court. One noticeable difference between these two is a non-volley zone. This zone is only a compulsion of pickleball, while paddle tennis players are free from such compulsion.
Is Paddle Tennis The Same As Pickleball?
No matter how related these two games look to each other, their differences are so noticeable that anyone can tell paddle tennis and pickleball are not the same games. But it can not be denied that people still ask if paddle tennis is the same as pickleball. So here are a few basic differences that make these two similar-looking games differ from each other,
- If you pay attention to the serves of both games, you will know if it’s paddle tennis or pickleball. Serves are underhanded in pickleball, while in paddle tennis, players should serve overhead.
- You must now know that the pickleball court is smaller than paddle tennis. But did you know the net height is also different in these two? The net’s height in pickleball is low, whereas paddle tennis is played with a higher net.
- The pickleball is much lighter than the paddle tennis ball. Usually, pickleball is played with a plastic ball, while paddle tennis is played with a rubber ball.
Similarities Between Paddle Tennis And Pickleball
We can say both games are modifications of tennis, which is why they look similar if you see someone playing any of these games. People often ask if paddle tennis is the same as pickleball. Do you also have this confusion?
You will be happy to hear that your confusion will disappear shortly. Here are a few similarities between paddle tennis and pickleball that you should know.
- Both games are played in a similar style. Opponents hit the ball to pass it over the net to another player. They keep on passing the ball until one player misses it.
- The equipment of the game is very similar to each other, from rackets to balls.
- People mostly get confused in these two games because of similar-looking rackets. The paddles look alike, but one can easily differentiate them if one looks closely at the racket. A few differences can be easily found just by paying a little attention.
- Another common feature of paddle tennis and pickleball is a similar-looking court. The court’s dimensions, layout, and design look similar to a layman’s.
- The scoring system of pickleball and paddle tennis is similar to that of a usual tennis game.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Pickleball Shoes The Same As Tennis Shoes?
No, pickleball shoes are not the same as tennis shoes. Although games look similar, pickleball shoes are built to support lateral motion and have extra cushioning to comfort the players.
Difference Between Tennis And Pickleball Shoes?
The basic difference is the outsole. The pickleball shoe’s outsole is constructed from softer and stickier rubber to comfort the players. A pickleball shoe should provide a better grip for lateral movement, which a tennis shoe can not provide, so there are specific shoes for pickleball that fulfill its requirements.
Is Pickleball The Same As Paddle Tennis?
No, pickleball is not as much as paddle tennis. Both are different games from each other. The only thing that is common between them is the paddle. Some differences between both games are paddle size, ball type, court rules, court layout, and hitting pressure.
What Is Paddleball?
Paddleball is played on a court almost half the pickleball’s length. It can be played by two players (singles) or four players (doubles). Paddleball paddle has smaller holes in them for less air friction. It uses small soft balls and can be played with tennis balls.
Can You Play Pickleball On A Paddle Tennis Court?
No, a pickleball court differs from a paddle tennis court in layout. According to USAPA, you can’t play pickleball on the paddle tennis court, but unofficially, for fun and casual, you can play pickleball on it. There are some modifications needed for that.
The Final Verdict
Both pickleball and paddle tennis are variants of tennis, which is why people find them quite similar to each other. Although these are the alternations of a popular game, this can not overshadow the differences between pickleball and paddle tennis. I am enlisting a few of these differences between paddle tennis and pickleball,
- Court Dimensions of pickleball court is smaller than a paddle tennis court
- The Net Height of pickleball is much lower than that of a paddle tennis net height
- The Ball in pickleball is plastic and is much lighter than a paddle tennis rubber ball
Paddle tennis and pickleball have much in common because both are modern versions of traditional tennis. Recently, both games have been popular among kids and youngsters, particularly in America. I hope this article helps you understand the basic similarities and differences between the two.
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- What Is Pickleball?
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The writer is a biologist by profession but has a spark for writing and giving life to her words. She’s been in the field for the last 4 years and has so many achievements in her name. She loves to write about sports. Her recent experiences are in niches like football, pickleball, baseball, golf, car racing, tennis, table tennis, etc.
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