The guide sheds light on pickleball drop serve, its advantages, disadvantages of the drop serve rules, and other relevant factors.
If you are interested in learning about drop serve in Pickleball or you are confused about why recently there has been so much hype about drop serve in the pickleball game, you are here at the right place. There is no doubt that changing the rules in any of the games creates a heated conversation and if you add a new rule of serving in the pickleball game, the talk of the town can be controversial.
Here in this article, we will look at the detailed analysis of drop serving, what it is, its advantages and disadvantages, and other relevant information. Make sure to pay attention to the details below so you can understand what drop serve is and whether you can use the serving style in the game or not.
Pickleball Drop Serve
The guide sheds light on pickleball drop serve, its advantages, disadvantages of the drop serve rules, and other relevant factors. We will first look at what a drop serve is and then will look at other questions and queries related to it.
What Is A Drop Serve?
The pickleball drop serve is the serving style in which you serve after the ball bounces when you drop it on the ground. You need to make sure that in the drop serve the server is not willingly creating the bounce on the ball, instead gravity is the only reason that is creating the bounce.
Servers can release the ball from any height, but the only restriction is that they are not allowed to create any type of manipulation, spin, or any type of higher bounce willingly. You cannot force a bounce on the ball nor can the ball come down quickly. This drop serve is quite different from the volley serve.
Is It Legal To Drop Serve In Pickleball?
Yes, Dropping the ball on the serve and then hitting it after it gets bounced back is legal. As of January 2022, a serve that dropped the ball and then hit it after the bounce was legalized. The USA Pickleball Association then made it permanent in 2022. Here are some of the strict rules that you must follow to drop serve legally. Otherwise, you cannot drop serve during a pickle wall.
USA Pickleball’s Drop Serve Rules (In Easy To Understand Wording)
Here is the description of the drop-serve rules as explained by the USA Pickleball Association. We have tried our best to explain the rules in easy-to-understand wording below so that you can get to know about the rules of pickleball drop serve and the limitations that you have to keep in mind during drop serving.
- You need to make sure that you are dropping the ball only from one hand or from the paddle face. You cannot use both of your hands for this purpose.
- While drop serving, you should keep in mind that the maximum height at which the ball can be released is within the server’s reach.
- Keep in mind you can only hit the ball when it gets bounced at least once. You have to wait for at least one bounce before hitting the ball.
- There are no strict rules regarding the number of times the ball can bounce. It can bounce unlimited times, and there are no restrictions on where it bounces or lands.
- You have to drop-serve the ball in such a way that either the referee or receiver can see the ball when you are releasing it. It should be visible when released from your hand.
- You must have to replay that drop serving in case the receiver or referee is unable to see the ball at release. This drop serving needs to be replayed for assurance.
- Only gravity can attract the ball to bounce, and you are not allowed to apply any force to it.
Is Drop Serve For Pickleball Professional Players?
Only a few professional pickleball players can drop serve and use this technique in the tournament. It is an extremely rare serving technique that has been seen in tournaments.
The reason behind this is that drop-serving ads are consistent in the game, which is actually for amateur players or beginners. That is why only a limited number of pros use drop-serving techniques during pickleball games.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Drop Serve
Here is a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of the pickleball drop serve technique. There are five advantages of drop serving that are mentioned here for a better understanding of the drop serving and what benefits you can get.
Advantages Of Drop Serving
1. Improvement In Consistency
You can enjoy a great improvement in the consistency of hitting the shots with the drop-serving technique. It is particularly hitting off the ball forehand and backhand that mimics ground strokes. Since you have more experience with this motion, this technique helps you in creating and improving the consistency in the game.
2. 2 Handed Backhand
Those who have a strong two-handed backhand can get the ultimate benefits of drop serving. This is because they will experience more power and more stability in the backhand serve than in the drop serving technique.
3. Variability While Serving
Learning drop serving is adding a new style to yourself. This makes you unpredictable for the receiving player which ultimately strengthens you in the court.
4. Added Spin
Adding a spin in the ball after drop serving is much easier than in the other situation. It does not matter what type of spin you want in yourself, drop serve helps you in achieving your target easily and smoothly. Moreover, while dropping serves the ball is generally in a lower position than typical, which also gives you an advantage of adding notable spin to your serve.
5. Easier To Learn And Ideal For Beginners
There is no doubt that learning drop serving is quite easy and simple. Beginners and newcomers should go with drop serving instead of volley serving. It’s not only easy to learn and understand but also simple to apply and understand what is legal in this type of serving and what is not.
Disadvantages Of Drop Serving Technique
Just like the advantages of drop serving, this type of serving technique has some disadvantages. Here is an explanation of the disadvantages of the drop serving technique so that you can understand why professional players do not prefer it.
1. External Variables That Affect The Ball Movement
Certain external variables affect the ball’s movement including wind, temperature, and the strange spot on the ground’s surface. You have no idea what will happen to the ball after it leaves your hands. You get no more control over the ball after it leaves your hands.
The wind can blow the ball and change its direction, resulting in inconsistent and unpredictable shots. Moreover, the ball may hit a strange spot on the court’s surface, ultimately causing problems in making contact. Moreover, when the temperature is cooled, the ball bounces higher than when the temperature is hot. Keep in mind these added variables also affect the movements of the ball and can make it inconsistent.
2. Waist Height Is Higher Than Bounce Height
If you want to hit the ball from a higher position, you will not get this when you drop serve. This is because the waist height is quite higher than the bounce height and the ball will rarely reach your waist height in any turn.
Keep in mind that you cannot add any spin or power before dropping. Wind gravity is the only force responsible for creating bounce in the ball, and that force will determine the height limitations the ball will reach.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Should Drop Serve?
If you are a beginner in the game or are someone who has mechanical consistency problems in the serve, you should go with the drop serve technique. Moreover, a professional player can also get benefits from the drop serve serving technique as it adds a new style of serving to the game.
What Is A Drop-Serve Pickleball Serve?
The pickleball drop serve is the serve in which you drop the ball and wait until it comes back after a bounce before hitting. Unlike traditional volley serve, the drop serve is ideal for beginners and newbies in the field.
Is Pickleball Drop Serve Permanent?
Yes, pickleball drop serve is a permanent serving option. It was made permanent at the very start of 2022 by Pickleball’s USA association. Since then until now pickleball drop serve has been used by beginners and newbies to the game.
Can You Play Pickleball Every Day?
Playing pickleball daily is tempting but you need to make sure to provide appropriate rest to your body. In case you have sore muscles and pain in joints after playing Pickleball every day make sure to use some home remedies particularly ice to reduce the inflammation and pain.
Is Pickleball An Expensive Sport?
No, not at all playing pickleball is quite affordable and budget-friendly. When compared with other sports, pickleball is one of the most affordable sports that you can go ahead with. Its typical costs include the cost of its equipment and safety gear used during the game.
What Is A Legal Drop Serve?
The drop serve in pickleball was created for players who have disabilities and who found it difficult to perform a volley serve. Legal drop serve is the type of serving technique in which a player drops the ball regardless of the height he wants and waits until the ball comes back after a bounce before hitting it. Keep in mind throwing off the ball or jumping off the ball is not allowed during drop serve.
Final Thoughts
This guide tells you about pickleball drop serve, what it is basically, and whether it is legal to drop the ball while serving pickleball. We have also explained the rules in easy-to-understand writing and elaborated on the advantages and disadvantages of performing drop serving.
Pay attention so you do not miss anything important. This guide will let you learn everything related to Pickleball drop serve, including its pros and cons and how you can perform it.
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I, Jeena Noven, am a renowned pickleball expert and author with over 10 years of experience playing and coaching the sport. My passion and extensive knowledge of pickleball has made me a leading authority in the game, particularly in the field of footwear. I have written countless articles for, a website dedicated to pickleball, sharing my insights and expertise on the best shoes for the sport. Through personal testing and reviewing countless different brands and styles, I have developed a deep understanding of the technical aspects of shoe design that make them suitable for the demands of pickleball. In my articles, I provide valuable information for both beginner and advanced players, covering everything from the basics of shoe fit and support, to advanced tips for maximizing performance on the court. As a dedicated pickleball player and expert in footwear, I am a valuable resource for players of all levels. My articles are not only informative but also engaging, making them a must-read for anyone looking to improve their pickleball game. I am constantly researching new products and trends in the industry and my readers can always count on me to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information on the best pickleball shoes available.